Thursday, July 21, 2011

In the beginning...

Welcome aboard! I've never had a blog before, but I figured it would be good to be familiar with the whole thing.

So for a little about me. I'm a web designer and developer by trade. I enjoy technology much more than should be considered healthy, yet my taste in video games rarely goes beyond the NES. I can't stand Mac computers, yet I love my iPhone and iPad. And I am a digital pack rat. I have terabytes of backed up tv shows and movies that I'll probably never watch more than once, but I have them, and they're here to stay.

I really don't think anyone will get any use out of this blog other than me, but if you're bored, feel free to give it a read. It will most likely cover my web projects. A place for me to document techniques for future reference. I'll also talk about gadgets and apps I enjoy. And probably tv shows or movies I watch with my girlfriend, Christine.

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